Cute flying Robot and Friends

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The movie “Miracle on 8th Street” inspired me to create this set.
Small robots that have their own artificial or almost human intelligence,
reproduce themselves and decide which human or animal they want to help.
My little robots have a lot of material to make them glow. They are not rigged, but
in the parameter setting you can find for each of them small morphs to move them.
Have fun…


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data files:

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Crab


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Crab/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Antenne back.dsf

Antenne right.dsf

Antenne up.dsf

back leg up.dsf

bend left.dsf

bend right.dsf

front leg up.dsf

left leg up.dsf

look down.dsf

look left.dsf

look right.dsf

look up.dsf

right leg up.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Crab/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Cute flying Robot

Textur 1.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Cute flying Robot/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

both arms flying pose.dsf

left arm front up claw grasp.dsf

left arm front up.dsf

left arm up.dsf

left claw up down.dsf

looking down.dsf

looking up.dsf

right arm front up claw grasp.dsf

right arm front up.dsf

right arm up.dsf

right claw up down.dsf

rotor rotation.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Cute flying Robot/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Helicopter

helicopter iray.dsf


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Helicopter/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Eyelash down.dsf

eyelash right.dsf

eyleash left.dsf

left arm back.dsf

left arm front.dsf

left arm up.dsf

lokking right.dsf

looking down.dsf

looking left.dsf

looking up.dsf

right arm back.dsf

right arm front.dsf

right arm up.dsf

rotor rotate.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Helicopter/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Lightbulb


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Lightbulb/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Eyes angry.dsf

Eyes closed.dsf

eyes weary.dsf

left arm back.dsf

left arm down.dsf

left arm front.dsf

left arm up.dsf

right arm back.dsf

right arm down.dsf

right arm front middle.dsf

right arm front.dsf

right arm up.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Lightbulb/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satelite Robot

Satelit Robby.dsf

satelit robby 2.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satelite Robot/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Satelit down.dsf

back leg rotate.dsf

hide eyes with satelit.dsf

left arm rotate.dsf

right arm rotate.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satelite Robot/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satellite

satelit robby 2.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satellite/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Satelit down.dsf

back leg rotate.dsf

hide eyes with satelit.dsf

left arm rotate.dsf

right arm rotate.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Satellite/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Ufo


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Ufo/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Cover big.dsf

cover open left.dsf

cover open right.dsf

looking down.dsf

looking left.dsf

looking right.dsf

looking up.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Ufo/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/krabbe


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/krabbe/Morphs/MysticArtDesign/Base

Antenne back.dsf

Antenne right.dsf

Antenne up.dsf

back leg up.dsf

bend left.dsf

bend right.dsf

front leg up.dsf

left leg up.dsf

look down.dsf

look left.dsf

look right.dsf

look up.dsf

right leg up.dsf

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/data/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/krabbe/UV Sets/MysticArtDesign/Base


runtime files:





:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot


:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:Cute flying Robot Texture

Textur 1_diffuse.png

Textur 1_displacement.png

Textur 1_metalness.png

Textur 1_normalmap.png

Textur 1_roughness.png

:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:Krabbe






:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:Lightbulb






:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:Satelit Robby:satelit robby 2

satelit robby 2_diffuse.png

satelit robby 2_displacement.png

satelit robby 2_metalness.png

satelit robby 2_normalmap.png

satelit robby 2_roughness.png

:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:Ufo






:Runtime:Textures:MysticArtDesign:Cute flying Robot:helicopter

helicopter iray_diffuse.png

helicopter iray_displacement.png

helicopter iray_metalness.png

helicopter iray_normalmap.png

helicopter iray_roughness.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Runtime


Prop files:

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign


MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot




Cute flying Robot.duf

Cute flying Robot.duf.png





Satellite .duf

Satellite .duf.png



MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials

Cute flying Robot iray.duf

Cute flying Robot iray.duf.png

green Light.duf

green Light.duf.png

pink Light.duf

pink Light.duf.png

red Light.duf

red Light.duf.png

turkis Light.duf

turkis Light.duf.png

yelllow Light.duf

yelllow Light.duf.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials/Crab

Crab iray.duf

Crab iray.duf.png

green eyes.duf

green eyes.duf.png

pink eyes.duf

pink eyes.duf.png

rose eyes.duf

rose eyes.duf.png

yellow eyes.duf

yellow eyes.duf.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials/Helicopter

Helicopter iray.duf

Helicopter iray.duf.png

eyelight blue.duf

eyelight blue.duf.png

eyelight green.duf

eyelight green.duf.png

eyelight pink.duf

eyelight pink.duf.png

eyelight yellow.duf

eyelight yellow.duf.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials/Lightbulb

Lightbulb iray.duf

Lightbulb iray.duf.png

eyelight blue.duf

eyelight blue.duf.png

eyelight green.duf

eyelight green.duf.png

eyelight pink.duf

eyelight pink.duf.png

eyelight yellow.duf

eyelight yellow.duf.png

glass clear.duf

glass clear.duf.png

glass frosted.duf

glass frosted.duf.png

glow blue.duf

glow blue.duf.png

glow green.duf

glow green.duf.png

glow pink.duf

glow pink.duf.png

glow red.duf

glow red.duf.png

glow yellow.duf

glow yellow.duf.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials/Satellite

Sattellite iray.duf

Sattellite iray.duf.png

blue eyes.duf

blue eyes.duf.png

green eyes.duf

green eyes.duf.png

red eyes.duf

red eyes.duf.png

yellow eyes.duf

yellow eyes.duf.png

MysticArtDesign/Desktop/Cute flying Robot and Friends/Props/Mysticartdesign/Cute flying Robot/Materials/Ufo

Udo iray.duf

Udo iray.duf.png

eyelight green.duf

eyelight green.duf.png

eyelight yellow.duf

eyelight yellow.duf.png

inner light blue.duf

inner light blue.duf.png

inner light pink.duf

inner light pink.duf.png

inner light yellow.duf

inner light yellow.duf.png

slot light blue.duf

slot light blue.duf.png

slot light pink.duf

slot light pink.duf.png

slot light turkis.duf

slot light turkis.duf.png

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