Nichelle Add-on for Oh My Laceness dresses

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)

0.00 $

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Bringing you an add-on that boldly goes where no add-on has gone before, we have the Nichelle Add-on for the Oh My Laceness dress for G8F and G9.

Crafted from the Smithsonian Institution’s 3D scan of Nichelle Nichols’s original dress for her role as Lt Nyota Uhura in the original series of Star Trek, this is probably the most authentic recreation yet available for Daz Studio.

Both the G8F and G9 versions of the Laceness dress are supported (although you will need to download the updated version of the G9 dress if you installed it before late August 2024 – this is available through your Download library):

dForce Oh My Laceness Dress for Genesis 8 & 8.1 Females

Oh my Laceness! for Genesis 9


The add-on includes a custom shaping preset/morph to give the dress the wide neckline of the original, texture sets for the Operations, Command, Sciences and Medical Divisions, and layered image overlays for sleeve insignia between the ranks of Junior Lieutenant and Captain.

This asset’s shaping and textures are based on the Smithsonian Insitution’s 3D scan of the original dress, which they have generously provided under a CC0 licence.

This asset is classed as a cosplay/fanart resource and is licensed for non-commercial usage only.

Character Requirement:




2 reviews for Nichelle Add-on for Oh My Laceness dresses

  1. Amy Morris
    Rated 5 out of 5
    December 10, 2024
    Very cool add-on, thanks!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Rated 5 out of 5
    December 8, 2024
    Very nice thank you!
    Helpful? 0 0

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

(Applies to both the G8F and G9 versions)

Nichelle Dress
Wearable Presets:
OML Nichelle Dress Wearable
Shaping Presets:
OML Nichelle Dress Base Shape
Material Presets:
OML Nichelle Division Command
OML Nichelle Division Medical
OML Nichelle Division Operations
OML Nichelle Division Sciences
Layered Image Presets:
OML Nichelle Rank Captain
OML Nichelle Rank Commander
OML Nichelle Rank Junior Lieutenant
OML Nichelle Rank Lieutenant
OML Nichelle Rank Lieutenant Commander
Textures included:
17 textures for Base Color, Normal, Opacity and Displacement Maps (PNG & EXR, 4096 x 4096)

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