There’s being buried in your Sunday Best and then there’s the Dramatic Option that makes archeologists wonder if they’re entering a boss fight arena when they find you again in a few thousand years. I know which one I’d choose.
Important Notes:
Sims must be started from the default memorized pose.
All pieces can (and it’s suggested that they be when using the full set) simmed at the same time. ‘Veil Mesh’ can be removed to lighten the load.
Veil, Veil Front, and Shroud have post-sim clip assist morphs. Veil Front is usually the most needed of these or the smoothing target can be changed from G9 Base to Shroud.
For best results with stylized or exaggerated character shapes, use the timeline to dial the character morph in around the 5th frame of a 15-30 frame set.
1 Right Sleeve
1 Left Sleeve
1 Double Layered Veil
1 Veil Front (Tails)
1 Non-dForce ‘Veil Mesh’ Cap
1 Slip
2 Shrouds – 1 open front and 1 joined front
2 Wearable Presets for both Shroud versions
6 Mat Sets (Iray Only)
— Individual Piece Mats included
2 Global Sim Settings
Default Sim Mats for all dForce pieces in case of needed reset
Clipping Assists and Alternate Shape morphs can be found under Parameters > [LB] for each piece that has them.
The first time I saw it I thought there's not way this simulates well with all those layers; but it does perfectly.
And the pieces work separately very well, allowing for many different looks.