Sexy Style 45 for Genesis 9

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Product Name: Sexy Style 45
Copyright: June, 2023
By: Rumen Delchev & Diana Dimitrova aka RuDy Studio

The product contains: Tippet and body for G9
The props are weighted to the G9 skeleton.

Separate Parts:

1.SXS 45
dForce, One surface, 8 material presets

1.SXS 45 TOP
dForce, One surface, 4 X 8 material presets

Costume suports up to 100% feminine or masculine body shape for G9.




1. Select G9 in the scene.
2. Double click the icon of the prop which you want to load on to G9.
3. To change the material, select the corresponding prop in the scene and double click the icon of the desired material preset.


! Make sure G9’s “Base Joint Correctives” is set to 100%.

1. Load the clothing item.
2. At frame 1 apply any style adjustments.
3. Move your timeline slider to frame 15 and apply any body shapes.
4. Move your timeline slider to frame 20 or 25 and apply your pose.
5. Set your simulation to animated timeline and at least 30 frames.


1. Unzip archive to “C:Users*YOUR_USERNAME*DocumentsDAZ 3DStudioMy Library”. (Replace *YOUR_USERNAME* with your username on the PC)
2. Refresh “My Library” on Content Library Pane.
3. New Folder named “…PeopleGenesis 9ClothingRuDy StudioSexy Style 45” will appear.
4. Here is your new content.

Character Requirement:


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