material tutorial preset

Case Study: Material

When you take a look to Daz Studio`s Surface settings, it can be scary. But you dont have to use all of option Now i share with you, what i use with an example.

(Note: The body of Sherry by MGab, the outfit not released yet.)

So, IRAY materials, and i add at first UBER BASE shader, what you  find in your Shader Presets/Iray library.

daz material tutorial 1

This is will the biggest part of the work instead you, and i have to set only few things.

Check together what are these “few things” (really not much).


Shader Tutorial 2


A metalness map is usually a grayscale image where white areas represent fully metallic surfaces, while black areas represent fully non-metallic surfaces. Gray values represent surfaces that have some metal properties but also diffuse properties, meaning they reflect light in a more diffuse way than metals.

Base Color

A color map typically contains the RGB (red, green, blue) values for each pixel in the image, which are then mapped onto the 3D model.

Less technical: the colors (now its a tan brown and black).

Glossy Roughness:

A roughness map is usually a grayscale image where dark areas represent smooth or shiny surfaces, while light areas represent rough or matte surfaces. The values in between white and black represent surfaces that have varying levels of smoothness and roughness.

TIP: Inverting Roughness map, you get Specular Map, and vica versa, if you have only Specular, invert it, and you will have Roughness map!

Base Bump

A Bump map is a grayscale image that encodes height information of a surface. White areas represent high elevations, while black areas represent low elevations.

Normal Map

Normal map is also a type of texture map that encodes surface detail, but instead of height information, it encodes surface normal information. Normal maps use RGB colors to encode X, Y, and Z axis information. This information is used to simulate the way light bounces off the surface of the 3D object, creating the illusion of depth and texture.

I export my normals in OpenGL.

Cutout Opacity

Cutout map is usually a grayscale image where white areas represent fully opaque parts of the object, while black areas represent fully transparent parts. The shades of gray in between represent varying degrees of transparency.

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