This outfit has 10 separate color options for fabric base and for rim, so you can combine them as you wish.
3 levels of transparency for different parts of the fabric.
30 prints with inscriptions that also have color change options.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Please note, prints are only visible in IRay
There’s many adjustments to fit it well to your character, then you can use dForce simulation to fit it perfect.
There is also an option for showing left or right breast.
Shorts Morphs:
All Expand
Back Btm L
Back Btm Mid
Back Btm R
Back Upp L
Back Upp Mid
Back Upp R
Front Btm L
Front Btm Mid
Front Btm R
Front Top L
Front Top Mid
Front Top R
Side L
Side R
Top Morphs:
!Show Left Breast
!Show Right Breast
All Expand
Breast front L
Breast front R
Breast side L
Breast side R
Breast under L
Breast under R
Middle Base Fwd
Middle Base Size
Middle Base Vert
Middle Strap Fwd
Middle Strap Vert
Neck L
Neck R
Neck back
Nipple L
Nipple R
Ribs L
Ribs R
Strap middle L
Strap middle R
General Inquiries
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