Time to put your nerd on and join Moth Girl for a double feature contest of all things heroic (and villainous).
Some general thingies first:
- You must use a product (or at least one piece from a product) from Sade or Sadriel's stores. Freebies don't count.
- There are 2 categories you can enter; submit as many entries as you like in either of them, but you can only win in one category.
- There will be 2 winners, one per category, who can choose 2 items from Sadriel's store.
- As usual, a free plush awaits you for participation: Mouse Plush
- The contest is intended to be zany and fun, your entry should reflect that.
- Deadline is 1st of August
-Gallery Upload: https://3dshards.com/forums/?3ds=YXBwLn ... FsYnVtLzIy
The categories:
Moth Girl's Adventures
Make a scene fit for a comic book panel, showcasing Moth Girl (and/or teammates, if you prefer) in an epic struggle, or go in a different direction and make a scene of Moth Girl out of costume, in everyday life.
I don't want to be restrictive, you don't have to use the Moth Girl product and are welcome to kitbash your own, but you must use the same color scheme.
Same for the teammates, you're free to make your own designs, but they must still be recognizably tv head and necromancer.
Your entry must follow the "lore", namely the powers / weakness and teammates (should you choose to use them) from the presentation. Ratu is an unofficial team member and can be use as a teammate if you want.
Saints or Sinners
Moth Girl's looking for new team members, but so are the villains. Kitbash (or model) your original superhero or supervillain, and present your application which must include:
A list of powers / weaknesses.
One render showcasing the character in a heroic pose (or villainous, depending on the side you choose to join). Think of it as a promo image, showcasing your creation.
One render of your character using one of their powers, or struggling with a weakness.
Yes, an entry for this category means 2 renders! *villainous laughter
Meet The Dark Ness (the second " " is silent), Moth Girl's team of zany superheroes! Ratu was a member too for a short time, but went on to form her own team, The Vampire Debaters.
Let me introduce you to the team members and their "talents":
Moth Girl
Powers : Speed, flight, disintegrates villain clothing.
Weaknesses : Lavender, mothballs, naturists, chainmail bikini.
Juan Carlos de la Telenovela
Powers : Can hypnotize villains by playing soap operas.
Weaknesses : Backstabbing.
Mater Sceleti
Powers : This mistress of the dark arts can summon an army of cute little skellies.
Weaknesses : This mistress of the dark arts can summon an army of cute little skellies.